Above is the youtube video of my final product for my 20% project. Initially the powerpoint was made to help my niece Priscilla learn about the Articles of Confederation, see the blog post entitled "A Whole New Mind Part II" that is linked here. I used Camtasia to edit the powerpoint and add the lecture and convert it to a video for youtube. It is in Spanish because my niece is in a dual-immersion Spanish program, and her U.S. History class is taught in the Spanish language. She watched the final product with the changes and her commentary is below. Please note that this commentary was dictated to me by her because her wrist sustained a minor injury while playing soccer, so she couldn't write it out.
"This video helped me understand more about the Articles of Confederation because it was verbal and I could read it at the same time. It compared soccer to the Confederation which helped me understand better, because I play the sport and I understand it. So if I just connected the Articles of Confederation to soccer I understood it better. The bullet points helped summarize all the what she was saying, so I was able to hear what she was saying, and understand her better by reading it over again. The reference page also helped because I was able to go back to the websites and read more about what she was talking about." -Priscilla
Here is a picture of my niece Priscilla and nephew Jr. who benefited from my 20% project:
great Job Alexis, It seems that it is cool to convert the power point into a video