Daniel Pink 6 Senses Class Site

Saturday, December 1, 2012

#Edchat Topic: Alternatives to High Stakes Testing 11/27/12 at 9am


  1. Way to go! EdChat can be fast & intense, but it's a great way to have real, relevant discussion with other educators. You had some really great points and responses to those that engaged you in conversation too. I would have loved to be a part of that conversation to see what other educators think we could do about HST. It's a huge problem the way we're doing it now, but until we have a way to modify it or something to replace it I don't think it will go away.
    PS. I really liked that you used Storify to present your tweets/responses/information--it was perfect for this kind of thing!

    1. I agree, HST is a huge problem right now, but I do look forward to seeing some modifications. Thanks!

  2. This is awesome! I agree with Maureen. . .Storify should be the way to reflect on educational chats! Thank you!

  3. Very cool way to archive your chat sessions and congrats on your first foray!

  4. I haven't jumped into the edchat pool yet, but reading your post (along with Maureen's) gives me a good idea of what to expect. You did a fantastic job utilizing Storify to illustrate the experience! Thank you :)

  5. It seems that the topic was interesting and full of opinions towards testing and how we should do them. I agree the testing period is not only a hard time for students only yet it u=is hard time for teachers as well
