In the video "The Essence of Connected Learning"(click link) the point that I found to be the most "at the heart of the matter" was in regards to how we look at education. Connie Yowell discusses how when we talk about education we refer begin to the outcomes. She further describes the further underlying problem with this approach is that we don't look at how the learners or students are. She goes on to say that their "core question" involves the level of the student's engagement in the learning process. I think that this is the approach that should be taken by not only the teacher in the classroom, but really all educators. If the student is engaged in the learning process in an authentic manner, it only follows then that the set standards will be reached. Now, I understand that this logic is not perfect. But the bottom line is that if the student is not engaged authentically in the learning, then they most likely won't be gaining the content and knowledge that is expected of them.
The discussion of mentorship and connectedness among learners I found to also be a key element of learning. I think that mentorship is especially important with learners that are struggling academically, because they can quickly develop into having a low self-efficacy. This can then only make the learner less likely to improve in school. Mentorship, can open the doors of opportunity by talking to someone about their gifts and aspirations, and the mentor can then help keep them on track in school and beyond.
Mentorship is an effective way of seeing opportunities, i agree It would also be nice to have an older student as a mentor or role model to look up to.